facilities, and above all, the cost-effectiveness of the packages.
Foreigners are less likely to face a language barrier in India. As
Indian hospitals are on par with the best hospitals in Thailand,
Singapore etc, the country may become a preferred medical
destination in the near future. India has much more medical
expertise than countries like Thailand and Malaysia. The
infrastructure in many of India’s hospitals is also excellent. But
028 m e d i c a l t o u r i s m
the most significant factor is that the costs are much less, almost
one-third of those in other Asian countries. According to a study
by McKinsey and the Confederation of Indian Industry, medical
tourism in India could become a $1 billion and more in the current
decade. The Indian government predicts that India’s $17-billiona-year health-care industry could grow 13 per cent in each of the
next six years, boosted by medical tourism, which industry