Anatomy of the Human Heart May 2014 | Page 13

Concluding, back in time during the 1600 and from now on the heart has been seen as an organ, with no feelings seen as scientific way as possible. Also people didn’t know anything about the circulation in the body because they didn’t have the correct ideas or precise information about how our body works. As a matter of fact, it was impossible to know the exact function of each organ, but thanks to some smart people that started to think such as what Andreas Vesalius did about dissecting dead human bodies. Followed by William Harvey, he stated that the blood was pumped by the heart, so his theory was right. With these series of theories about the blood and how did the circulation occurred, people was able to understand much better about the human anatomy (especially about the heart). Later on, other doctors started to conduct other experiments about the heart’s function in relation with the lungs, arteries, veins, and other important organs. Without this discoveries it cannot be known what it is known nowadays about the heart. By being curious a change can be made. Something that can be clearly appreciated, is that war stops progress, in the medicine, it is indeed stopped, but it's necessary, because of the injuries, but progress is not something seen in this period. No important changes during Mexico's Independence War were done, why? Clearly because it's a war. The people were hiding or fighting, jjjjjjjjwhat can be expected for progress? In this case, medicine was not hhhhhhprogressing, but the things discovered were being tested and used. The gggggggggreal changes came after war ceased, what can be concluded about ggggggggggthis? Something really important in history. Even if it's necessary, kkkkkkkkkkkkwar is not helpful for the progress of mankind so war MUST be jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjavoided, if progress is wanted, as a specie. That's why humans, ffffffffffffffffffffffffffas a specie, didn't progress in medicine at that time.