Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, November/December 2014 | Page 72

0 500 1000 1500 Five- M in u t e A n a lyst Winter Weekday Winter Weekend Summer Weekday Summer Weekend Figure 3: Boxplots of winter and summer behaviors, weekday vs. weekend. Winter days have, on average, fewer transits on weekends than weekdays. In the summer, this trend is reversed. The winter weekday and weekend behavior is similar (p = .66), but one could argue that the summer weekend vs. weekday behavior is different (p = .056). during “winter” (January/February) and “summer” (June/July). Figure 3 may suggest that commuters are the major contributors to trail usage in the winter, and “sport” riders are the contrib utors in the summer months. Conversely, it may be that the winter riders have made the investment in proper winter “kit” because they have to, and use the same kit on the weekends to ride. In conclusion, this is a rich data set, and our analysis here has just scraped the surface, and we hope that some of you will take an interest in it as well. A note on software: Longtime readers will note that I sometimes use Excel, 72 | a n a ly t i c s - m a g a z i n e . o r g sometimes use R and sometimes use both in the same article. While both have their strengths, I found parsing XML data to be easier in Excel, and Boxplots to be easier to build in R. ❙ Harrison Schramm (harrison.schramm@gmail. com) is an operations research professional in the Washington, D.C., area. He is a member of INFORMS and a Certified Analytics Professional (CAP). NOTES & REFERENCES 1. For a map see: tasks/sites/bike/assets/File/Arlington-Loop.jpg. 2. See biking-in-arlington/counting-bikes-to-plan-forbikes/data-for-developers/. From here, you can create an XML query and pull the data into your favorite analysis package. w w w. i n f o r m s . o r g