Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, November/December 2014 | Page 52

real - t ime frau d de t e c t i o n 82.00% 80.00% Figure 1: Accuracy of fraud detection. Accuracy 78.00% 76.00% 74.00% 72.00% 70.00% 10:1 5:1 4:1 Ratio of (no. 0):(no. of 1) fraud detection framework to make it better and more accurate over time. Results and Model Validation In this case, the models were trained on 70 percent of the transaction data, with the remainder streamed to the agency framework discussed above to simulate real-time financial transactions. Under-sampling on the modeling dataset was done to bring the ratio of number of non-fraudulent transactions to 10:1 (original was 20:1). The final output of the agency is the classification of the streaming input transactions as fraudulent or not. Since the value for the variable being predicted is already known for this data, it helps us gauge the accuracy of the aggregated model as shown in Figure 1. Conclusion Fraud detection can be improved by running an ensemble of algorithms in 52 | a n a ly t i c s - m a g a z i n e . o r g parallel and aggregating the predictions in real time. This entire end-to-end application can be designed and deployed in days depending on complexity of data, variables to be considered and algorithmic sophistication desired. Deploying this in the cloud makes it horizontally scalable, owing to effective load balancing and hardware maintenance. It also provides higher data security and makes the system fault tolerant by making processes mobile. This combination of a real-time application development system and cloud-based computing enables even non-technical teams to rapidly deploy applications. ❙ Saurabh Tandon is a senior manager with Mu Sigma ( He has over a decade of experience working in analytics across various domains including banking, financial services and insurance. Tandon holds an MBA in strategy and finance from the Kellogg School of Management and a master’s in quantitative finance from the Stuart Graduate School of Business. w w w. i n f o r m s . o r g