Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, November/December 2014 | Page 41

• Defrauding telecommunication subscribers • Schemes conducted over the telephone for specific patterns of behavior. For instance, one can look for transactions of a certain amount – say, more than $1,000 – between employees inside a company. However, similar to ever-evolving e-mail spam, the fraudsters are always devising new methods that can remain undetected for some period. Unknown fraud schemes, especially new ones, may continue for years without detection until they are uncovered in an investigation or a company’s deep dive into costs and profitability variances While fraud is prevalent everywhere, its identification is not simple. There are two types of fraud schemes: “known” and “unknown.” Known fraud schemes are easier to identify. They are the scenarios where fraud has been identified in the past. Rules engines can be established in computer systems to look c ontinuing ducation COURSES FOR ANALYTICS PROFESSIONALS Visit the Website for the latest course schedule: link between business needs and INFORMS Continuing Education program offers intensive, two-day in-person courses providing analytics professionals with key skills, tools, and methods that can be implemented immediately in their work environment. ESSENTIAL PRACTICE SKILLS FOR ANALYTICS PROFESSIONALS DATA EXPLORATION AND VISUALIZATION These courses will give participants hands-on practice in handling real data types, real business problems and practical methods for delivering business-useful results. processes for addressing complex, real-world essential tools for exploring and INTRODUCTION TO MONTE CARLO AND DISCRETE-EVENT SIMULATION FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS discrete-event simulation, how to identify tools that will allow you to make the simulation, and develop skills and intuition for your technical skills. Learn the basics of Monte Carlo and real-world problem types appropriate for Learn data mining techniques and applying Monte Carlo and discrete-event simulation techniques. Learn practical frameworks and systematic problems and how to facilitate effective action. a na l y t i c s Learn methodologies, processes and visualizing data in order to derive insights and knowledge. n o v e m b e r / d e c e m b e r 2 014 | 41