B ig data b u z z k i ll
Big data needs advanced analytics, but analytics
does not need big data.
By Eric A. King
hanks big data! Now we’re
even more data-rich …yet
remain information-poor. After staggering investments
motivated by an overabundance of buzz
and hype, big data has yet to produce
cases that reveal substantial verified return. Organizations are becoming harder
pressed to show value, but they’re not
sure where or how to draw it.
a n a ly t i c s - m a g a z i n e . o r g
Professor Dan Ariely of Duke University relates big data to teenage sex:
“Everyone talks about it; no one really
knows how to do it,” he says. “Everyone thinks everyone else is doing it; so
everyone claims they’re doing it.” In an
article from the December 2013 Harvard
Business Review by Jeanne W. Ross,
Cynthia M. Beath and Anne Quaadgras,
the very title suggests that “You May Not
w w w. i n f o r m s . o r g