– and understand the outcomes made
possible by prescriptive analytics, using
data sets most operators already have on
hand and/or routinely collect in the course
of normal operations. Some examples:
• Which reservoir, drilling, completion
and production variables have the greatest impact on production?
• How closely should we space wells?
Do we have stage overlap? Formation
• Does the order in which we treat and/
or produce adjacent wells matter? Why?
• Which stages and clusters were
treated effectively? Treated as expected?
• Which stages are producing? Producing as expected? Which are not?
• How should a well be produced to
maximize its lifetime value?
Secondary Recovery, EOR
• When should artificial lift be introduced in the lifecycle of a well to maximize estimated ultimate recovery (EUR)?
• When should enhanced oil recovery
(EOR) be introduced in the lifecycle of a
well in order to maximize EUR?
a n a ly t i c s - m a g a z i n e . o r g
Does EOR result in highe ȁɕ