Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, May/June 2014 | Page 65

S T R AT E G Y & O R G A N I Z AT I O N | TECHNOLOGY | E N G I N E E R I N G & O P E R AT I O N S | A N A LY T I C S 2012 INFORMS Innovation in Analytics Award Winner Make sense of your data. Achieve operational efficiencies. Exceed your organizational goals. Ready for what’s next. Now more than ever, making sense of large, complex data sets is critical to an organization’s success. Supported by extensive industry experience, our analytics experts are armed to help clients make informed decisions and turn choices into action. These insights help our clients anticipate, identify, and address their specific needs—from achieving cost savings to reducing fraud, waste, and abuse. We leverage these analytics capabilities to help clients across US and international governments in defense, intelligence, and civil sectors, as well as commercial health, financial services, and energy and utilities industries. Whether you’re managing today’s issues or looking beyond the horizon, count on us to help you be ready for what’s next. Ready for what’s next.