Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, May/June 2014 | Page 41

Source: A.T. Kearney analysis across all business functions and, if executed well, can significantly improve the bottom line. PROCUREMENT Sourcing. For many sourcing events, optimization can help match expressive or non-standard offers with the business requirements. Potential suppliers often come up with volume or package discounts, step-change pricing, alternative offers, capacity constraints or other ways to showcase their strengths. However, these complex offers cannot be taken at face value, and optimization is required to A NA L Y T I C S assemble the puzzle pieces into a coherent picture that covers business requirements and minimizes purchasing costs. Another benefit of this approach is that a sensitivity analysis can be used to estimate the costs of business constraints and challenge business stakeholders on the ones that are less crucial to business (see Figure 3). For example, typical sourcing events for transport services result in an 8 percent to 12 percent cost reduction. Sourcing with strategic network design. Sourcing optimization conducted jointly with strategic network design can be especially beneficial. In M A Y / J U N E 2 014 | 41