Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, May/June 2014 | Page 10

EXE CU TIVE E D G E digital encompasses both external expanTHE DIGITAL CUSTOMER Technological advances have created sion that is customer-centric and internal the digital customer – one who is empow- optimization that improves efficiency withered by technology, distracted with technol- in the organization. Linking the two is imogy and social through technology. As we portant for a seamless, effective operating move forward, communication with custom- model. ers will be continual and bidirectional, capturing customers’ sentiments and built upon THE FOUR QUADRANTS OF DIGITAL self-service as well as co-creation of prodAt the highest level, the impact of digital ucts and services. Supported by an efficient can be segregated into four quadrants, deoperating model, digitally enhanced tech- fined by interaction vectors (unidirectional nology effectively enables value creation for or bidirectional) and the strategic input vecthe business. tors (outside-in or inside-out). Bidirectional At the highest level, a company would interaction refers to a duplex interaction have to engage its audiences more frequently, more personally and across multiple channels. Digital engagement should mimic the personalization of faceto-face interactions, offering a collaborative environment in which customers can participate in idea generation and product development, and the organization is better able to understand and predict customers’ wants and needs. But keep in mind, Figure 1: The four quadrants of digital. a more holistic view of 10 | A N A LY T I C S - M A G A Z I N E . O R G W W W. I N F O R M S . O R G