Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, March/April 2014 | Page 55

Figure 1: Pareto diagram of jobs in 50 PSAs. Primary Statistical Area Jobs Population Per Job Platteville, WI 65 51087 786 Dubuque, IA 65 95097 1463 Plattsburgh, NY 19 81654 4298 Austin, TX 308 1834303 5956 San Francisco, CA 1330 8370967 6294 Winona, MN 8 51629 6454 Seattle, WA 651 4399332 6758 Richmond, IN 13 92375 7106 Richmond, VA 164 1231980 7512 Raleigh, NC 220 1998808 9085 Bennington, VT 4 36697 9174 Huntingdon, PA 5 45943 9189 Boston, MA 854 7991371 9358 Burlington, VT 21 213701 10176 New York, NY 2122 23362099 11009 Columbus, OH 182 2348495 12904 Washington, DC 660 9331587 14139 San Diego, CA 214 3177063 14846 Atlanta, GA 394 6092295 15463 Lewistown, PA 3 46773 15591 A NA L Y T I C S A “persons per job” metric in an attempt to determine which areas are “punching above their weight,” and identify smaller areas that have an unusually high (relative to their total population) number of analytics jobs. Table 3: 10 Micropolitan (and metropolitan) areas with greatest “jobs per capita.” M A R C H / A P R I L 2 014 | 55