Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, March/April 2014 | Page 49

large, metropolitan cities and smaller, but technology-centric areas. While this proves to be a good approach, additional research yields results that are interesting, informative and potentially useful to anyone looking for a job in the analytics field. THE REALM OF POSSIBILITIES One line of investigation is to use LinkedIn to see where jobs related to analytics can be found. While there are many other job boards available (e.g., general sites like Monster, SimplyHired and Indeed, as well as more focused options like the INFORMS Career Center), this study used LinkedIn as a proxy for the universe of analytics job postings. Using the job search capability, it is possible to do a keyword search for all currently listed positions within a distance of a zip code. While poking around using the Sutton’s Law approach might be a useful start, a more systematic approach seems appropriate. Attention Companies Who Hire Analytics Professionals Reserve your space now for the industry’s premier, professional job fair! Analytics Connect Brought to you by Analytics Magazine INFORMS CONFERENCE ON USINESS ANALYTICS & PERATIONS RESEARCH CAREER CENTER Applying Science to the Art of Business March 30–April 1, 2014 |      The Westin Boston Waterfront | Boston, Massachusetts Find the seasoned professionals you need – over 800 analytics professionals expected Provide your recruitment materials in a casual setting Arrange discreet on-site meetings in private booths Enjoy discounted combination pricing with the fall Annual Meeting Job Fair Enhance your visibility with an ad in Analytics or OR/MS Today Questions? [email protected] or call (800) 4-INFORMs A NA L Y T I C S M A R C H / A P R I L 2 014 | 49