Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, March/April 2014 | Page 37

Connect with the earned expertise of business forecasters and practical research from top academics from around the globe. Each issue of Foresight contains articles that you’ll use in your day-today work, whatever types of forecasting you do. “ “ Here’s what our readers say: Issue 26 Summer 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED FORECASTING THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED FORECASTING “The information is relevant to practitioners and is presented in a way that is not overly academic but with significant credibility.” Thomas Ross, Financial Analyst, Brooks Sports 5 Setting Internal Benchmarks Based on a Product’s ForecaStaBIlIty DNa “Foresight make(s) important research findings available to the practitioner.” 18 Regrouping to Improve Seasonal Product Forecasting 32 Forecasting Software that Works For – Not against – Its Users 38 Book Review Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think 41 reliably Predicting Presidential elections Anirvan Banerji, Economic Cycle Research Institute “ important forum for practitioners to share their experiences....” Issue 27 Fall 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED FORECASTING THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED FORECASTING Dan Kennedy, Senior Economist, Connecticut Department of Labor “I find Foresight very useful! I use it as a teaching resource to bring theoretical forecasting techniques to life for the students.” Dr. Ilsé Botha, Senior Lecturer, University of Johannesberg 5 Special Feature: Why Should I Trust Your Forecasts? 23 Tutorial: The Essentials of Exponential Smoothing 29 S&OP: Foundation Principles and Recommendations for Doing It Right 40 New Texts for Forecasting Modelers Put Foresight to work to improve your forecasts and rally support for the people, processes and tools that accurate forecasting requires. Subscribe today! Issue 29 Spring 2013 THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED FORECASTING THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED FORECASTING 5 Forecasting revenue in Professional Service Companies 14 Forecast value added: A Reality Check on Forecasting Practices 19 s&oP and Financial Planning 26 cPFr: Collaboration Beyond S&OP 39 Progress in Forecasting rare events 50 Review of "global trends 2030: alternative Worlds" Foresight | IIF Business Office | 53 Tesla Ave. | Medford, MA 02155 USA | [email protected] | +1 781 234 4077