Figure 2: Topic modeling treemap.
infrastructure resources. Even when a
machine goes down because of an unexpected failure, a new virtual machine is allocated for the application automatically.
Dynamic scaling and load balancing: The cloud solution allows scaling
out as well as scaling back an application depending on resource requirements. Multiple services running in
tandem make the whole system computationally resource intensive. As resource demands increase, new role
instances can be provisioned to handle
the load. When demand decreases,
these instances can be removed so that
payment for unnecessary computing
power is not required.
Availability & durability: The cloud
storage services replicate data on three
different servers, guaranteeing it can be
accessed at all times, even if a server
shuts down unexpectedly.
Better mobility: The application can
be accessed from any place, as long as
there is an Internet connection. There is
no tight coupling with any physical server
or machine.
Figure 2 shows a snapshot of the topic
treemap generated in one run of the topic
modeling algorithm (different topics are
represented by different colors, with the
areas representing occurrence frequency).
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