Analytics Magazine Analytics Magazine, July/August 2014 | Page 30

INFO RM S IN I T I AT I VE S The second new course, “Foundations of Modern Predictive Analytics,” will be taught by James Drew, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Verizon (ret.). Modern predictive analytics, the science of discovering and exploiting complex data relationships, has rapidly changed in recent years, especially in today’s businesses. This course will give participants hands-on practice in handling real data types, real business problems and practical methods for delivering business-useful results. Some of the topic areas to be covered in this course are: linear regression, regression trees, logistic regression and CART (classification and regression trees). The course will be held in Washington, D.C., Sept. 15-16, and San Francisco, Nov. 7-8. Learn more about these courses including course outlines, instructor biographies, program objectives and how to register at: continuinged. ANALYTICS CLUSTER SET FOR INFORMS ANNUAL MEETING IN S.F. The Analytics Section of INFORMS will present the analytics cluster of sessions and presentations at the INFORMS Annual Meeting in San Francisco Nov. 9-12. The cluster encompasses 30 | A N A LY T I C S - M A G A Z I N E . O R G 20 sessions featuring the renowned analytics practitioners and leaders. Nine additional sessions will be jointly organized in collaboration with the Health Applications Society (HAS),CPMS (the Practice Section of INFORMS) and the Section on O.R. in Sports (SpORts). The sessions/presentations within the cluster cover such topics as: • Successful application of analytics in multiple industries such as healthcare, transportation, defense and sports • Analytics focus areas such as big data, spreadsheets and predictive analytics • Panel discussions on understanding the connection between O.R. and analytics, building analytics programs to support organizations’ needs and business analytics in healthcare industry • Winners of the Innovative Applications in Analytics Award and the SAS Student Paper Competition • Why’s, how’s and what’s of analytics certification More information about the conference can be found at http://meetings2. Help Promote Analytics Magazine It’s fast and it’s easy! Visit: W W W. I N F O R M S . O R G