Treatment of Missing Values in Survey Analysis
Soma Banerjee
[email protected]
Missing data in survey research are a reality and faced by researchers and analysts often. It may occur in the
following situations –
Complete nonresponse by a sample element i.e. when a respondent did not participate in the survey at all
Item nonresponse by a responding sampled element i.e. when a participating respondent did not provide
answers to some of the survey items or questions
Often, in surveys designed in Likert scale where only one response can be chosen, cases of multiple
responses for a single question can also be represented as invalid or missing data
Ignoring missing values leads to data loss. The simplest method to handle missing data is to omit the cases with
missing values. This is called listwise deletion. If out of 100 survey respondents, there are 7 cases that had
missing data, under listwise deletion we delete those 7 cases and take the rest of 93 complete cases for further
If we delete cases listwise, the sample size gets reduced. Therefore we need to check whether the number arrived
at after listwise deletion is sufficient or not. Say, our target for sample is N. The filled-in survey size is N1 where
N1>N. Normally, to handle missing data cases, we typically roll out the survey to a larger sample where N1>N.
After deleting the missing data cases, the size becomes, say, N2. If N2>N, then listwise deletion does not really
reduce the sample size as we have adequate size to go ahead with analysis.
However, there is an important assumption here – data is missing completely at random (MCAR). This means
that any piece of data is as likely to be missing as any other piece of data. This is ensured in the sampling plan by
the way the sample is drawn.
In situations when sample size is getting reduced due to listwise deletion, we may have to go for replacement or
substitution methods. We shall discuss these methods, and their advantages and disadvantages in future posts.
However, it would be pertinent to note here that in some cases we are better off to go for listwise deletion than to
go for substitution methods in order to keep the analysis and interpretations non-complicated and
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