Anabolic Running PDF / Workout Program Free Download Anabolic Traning Program | Page 3

Joe’s body was retaining fat and he was becoming severely unhappy. He wasn’t seeing the results he expected to say the least. Not only that but his sex life was down and out and his marriage was failing. He then stumbled across a research paper that suggested testosterone levels in endurance athletes was much lower than ‘couch potatoes’, the hormone which is vital for so many reasons! With that, Joe developed the Anabolic Running program, which takes you well into your lactic threshold, meaning a huge increase in testosterone levels. Not only will your body see a huge increase in lactic acid, but also nitric oxide, which allows the blood vessels in your body to relax, increasing blood flow around the body. This for just an extra 16 minutes PER WEEK!! This guide is going to teach you: -The major problem is testosterone hormone’s stops and you never get a muscle mass from your interval training routine. -You are going to learn how to include oils help to increase testosterone hormone level and it increases nearly %22 with this guide -You are going to learn that a three-minute spiritual ‘trick’ help to you for boost energy which you want -You are going to improve your sex quality, physical situation, and hormone level -You are going to learn how to boost your metabolism continue all burn fat And much more things in this program. With Anabolic Running You Now Can Have A Year-Round, Rock Hard Physique And Supercharge Your Anabolic Sex Hormones In Just 16 Minutes Per Week While Getting In The Best Shape Of Your Life... Until now, guys have settled for ordinary cardio workouts like your standard jog outside or on the treadmill. All without knowing how bad they may be derailing their masculine hormones and damaging their physiques. Some men who resort to this boring form of getting in shape have reported looking “puffy” and weak with little muscle around their arms and chest, plus a layer of fat covering their midsection and lower back. It’s a body which screams “I’m average” and