Interview with Demis Burlacu, Darius’ father, the host of Vid Frkanec
• What’s living in Botoşani like?
It’s peaceful, the people are kind and good, they can not live in a city like
Bucharest and they love living here. It is not cheap but it is not too expensive
either. The quality of life depends on work: good job, good money; bad job,
bad money.
• When does your school start and how do you feel when you’re at school?
School starts at 8 AM. It’s a pretty good school, they have good teachers and
they learn a lot. The school has 1000 students and everything is clean and nice.
• Do you have any hobbies or something you are interested in?
Darius is interested in music and Ancient history, Romans and Greeks. His
favourite singer is Eminem and he loves football. I play football at the local
club and I love it.
• Do you want to visit Croatia and what do you know about Croatia?
I know that Croatia is a small country, that you have the Adriatic sea, that Za-
greb is the capital of Croatia, that you won the second place at the World Cup,
and that you have a woman for president. I’ve never been to Croatia but I want
to visit it.
• Do you love your country and would you stay here till the end of your
I love my country, we are patriots and we want to stay in it till the end of our
Through the project we learnt so much and we also
had a good time in Romania. We acquainted some new
friends which are amiable, communicative and very
cheerful. Darius’ ( my host) home was great. He and
his parents were so kind and good to me, I could have
only wished upon it.