Ana Hribar Beluhan Beluhan | Page 2

In the program follow-up you will find out more about the impression of participants who visited and experienced Romania. Furthermore, allow us to introduce our creative corner for fairy tale reading. Creative corner was created and designed with joy and with as many natural materials as possible. Our vision was to introduce our coun- try, Croatia, through traditional folk costumes of our region.. Project participants had the opportunity to experience and see in person Romanian folk costumes. Surely, the best representation of a given country are their scientists and visionaries, whom we managed to gather in the last enclosure. Read it, maybe the very thing you use on a daily basis was invented by a Croat (like a pen). We believe the impressions of our student to be the most important effectiveness measure of the project. We are pleased to present the interviews of our students with their hosts. We cannot ignore the mutual satisfaction and happiness. Enjoy!