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AMS Billing is a leader in property uMlity billing management and has built its business based on integrity , superior customer service and teamwork . Specializing in uMlity billing , sub -­‐ metering and conservaMon , AMS Billing offers a suite of products and services to fit each customer ' s needs . Regardless of the size or architecture of your property , AMS can work with you to add value to your property and increase your boWom line by reducing expenses related to resident billing consumpMon , uMlity management and resident billing services . Due to the low cost of these programs owners get more value at nominal and someMmes even NO COST ! you are able to monitor , track and create a consolidated view of your rental property . AMS Billing has online convenience of reports and includes resident auto -­‐ pay features .
By operaMng a call center for payment processing and billing inquiries , performing audits on rates and tariffs , and designing customized so [ ware , AMS is able to streamline its service because there is no outsourcing . This allows for the process Mme to be shorter as well as the quality to be higher because the enMre process is ina -­‐ house .
AMS strives to provide Mmely and accurate billing services and uMlity management to encourage conservaMon and reduce costs for each individual property , ulMmately increasing property values . UMlizing a complete soluMon that streamlines your uMlity bills and other resident fees
877-­‐358-­‐1253 www . amsbilling . com sales @ amsbilling . com