AMS - 211001 - Journal - VOL 118 - ISSUE 9 - Single Pages (2) | Page 4


We Belong


As your 2021-2022 president of the Arkansas Medical Society , I ’ m writing my last president ’ s letter as May is rapidly approaching , and soon AMS will install its new president . Reflecting on my time as president , I found myself thinking about what it means to belong , so I looked up the definition . Webster ’ s Dictionary says belonging is “ an affinity for a place or situation .” Cornell University defines belonging as “ the feeling of security and support when there is a sense of acceptance , inclusion , and identity for a member of a certain group .” I feel I belong in the Arkansas Medical Society , and I hope you do too .

I joined AMS in 1990 and have been in the governing body since 2010 . I have served on the Board of Trustees , Finance and Audit Committee , as the Chairman of the Board , and now president . AMS ended 2021 with 4,235 members , including active physician members , life and emeritus members , residents , and medical students . Six physicians serve on the executive committee , and 36 district trustees serve throughout the Society ’ s 10 districts . The Society also has six AMA delegates , bringing a total of physician leaders to 48 . Could you be the next in line to fill one of these positions ? I think so !
One of the highlights during my tenure as president was speaking at the White Coat Ceremony for incoming medical students at UAMS . I can avouch that it is indeed an honor and a privilege . In my address , I shared with them that AMS was formed in 1875 by a small group of physicians who recognized that physicians needed to work together collectively to improve health care . I explained how AMS was founded on the principle that we all become a powerful force for physicians and their patients by combining our efforts . I urged them to be a part of organized medicine by joining their county medical society , the Arkansas Medical Society , and their national organizations , and I will also urge you to do the same . Collectively , we do make a difference .
During my presidential acceptance speech last May , I told members that I joined AMS to be a part of something bigger than myself and that something was organized medicine . I reminded the members that together we accomplish many things that would be hard to do – dare I say impossible – singlehandedly . We do what we do for the people of Arkansas – our patients .
I ’ m proud of the issues we were able to take on during my tenure . The AMS Board of Trustees addressed the Transgender lawsuit ( Brandt vs Rutledge et . al .) and signed on to the American Medical Association ’ s amicus brief against Act 626 . The Society also issued a statement supporting vaccination for all health care workers , which 14 other Arkansas physician organizations supported . Most recently , the Board agreed to partner with the Arkansas Medical Foundation to establish a voluntary online questionnaire designed to assess mental health and well-being .
As my role as president , I appointed other physician leaders to PAC , the Physicians Health Committee , the Alzheimer ’ s Disease and Dementia Advisory
Council , and various other committee appointments within AMS . I also had the pleasure of speaking at a luncheon for the incoming medical students .
I invite all reading this to actively be a part of organized medicine - don ’ t sit on the bench . Get in the game . Voice your opinions / concerns to your district trustee . Be a trustee yourself . Get on a committee . Be an officer . Be the President . Keep abreast of the legislation that affects the House of Medicine . Call your State Senator / Representative . Vote !
Everyone is important . You matter ! The words of the famous author Helen Keller still ring true today . She said , “ Alone we can do so little ; together we can do so much .” Let ’ s all work together as an organization to better the patients we serve . We belong !
Thank you all for the honor and privilege of serving as your president . It has been a pleasure . ■