AMNYTT 7/2020 | Page 142

What does INGO do ?

Renewable energies can be exhausting . This is because they place completely new demands on the finely balanced system of the power grids . In Kadenbach in the Westerwald forest in Germany , a joint project is now providing clarity in the feed -in maze .

Large power stations have been humming and buzzing for decades , regardless of whether they are powered by coal , gas , oil , or nuclear power . Year in , year out , they deliver their power into the power grids with an even stability . From high to medium voltage and finally through to the house connection – just how power and grid operators like it .

This is because countless electrical devices need a stable voltage , which they convert into music , clean laundry , or cellphone charges . Almost nothing works in our world anymore without electricity . It would be fantastic if this electricity was generated using wind , water , or the sun instead of having to burn fossil fuels .
But this is where the challenges begin . Decentral generation plants such as wind turbine generators or à
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