AMNYTT 7/2020 | Page 141

POWER GRIDS under control at all times and in real time using the latest remote control technology . And of course , the systems have to run stably 24 / 7 and have a service life of at least ten years .”
Jumping around in tall grass There is no lack of work for the Energy Automation team of experts , because the 50Hertz power grid covers all of Eastern Germany , including the connection to offshore wind farms . In addition , the team also takes orders from Tennet , another grid operator . And the rest of Germany ? " Our colleagues in Velbert , where the Phoenix Contact Group Energy Expertise Center is located , look after that .“ While twelve specialists in Gera take care of the crackling high voltage , the team in Velbert , North Rhine-Westphalia , made up of around 90 experts , ensures that the lights do not go out on Germany .
The only thing that remains constant is the current itself . With a broad grin , the 50Hertz employee accompanying us tells us about summer tours for student groups . “ When they walk between the systems in thin sandals across the damp grass , they really start jumping around .” Our Phoenix
Contact colleagues from Gera do not jump around when walking through the impressive system . Sturdy footwear and a profound knowledge base make dealing with extra-high voltage a technological challenge , but not a life-threatening undertaking . ( lo ) •
phoenixcontact . com
The world of today ( and tomorrow ) – Thomas Ehrhardt in the modern control room next door
Time travel back to the world before automation . Volker Fleischer ( right ) remembers when control was manual here à