AMNYTT 7/2020 | Página 115

electrical energy . However , in order to have the fluctuating energy production of natural resources continuously available , we need the option to store the generated energy and transport it over longer distances . Power-to-X plays a central role here – that is to say , the conversion of electrical energy into gaseous or liquid energy sources such as hydrogen . This will be a central factor on the way to the All Electric Society .
The aim will be to make renewable energy significantly more cost-effective than it is already . Having said that , it can already be seen today that the cost of generating one kilowatt hour from solar power – at around four to five cents – is in the same order of magnitude as is the case of generation based on coal . On top of this , however , one tonne of CO 2 causes damage of around € 180 . This corresponds roughly to an additional 15 cents per kilowatt hour for coal-fired electricity . So far , these costs are not yet included in the producer prices , because they are borne by society .
Nevertheless , we have to make renewable energies even more economical and use them more effectively . Economies of scale are needed to bring down costs . This can only be achieved through a holistic approach , from generation right through to the consumption of energy – which we call sector coupling .
è UPDATE : What is behind this term ? Bent : If we want to achieve economical renewable energy , we need improved energy efficiency across the entire value chain , for example from à
H 2 Hydrogen
CH 4 O Methanol
Power to X
How can renewable energies be stored in such a way that their fluctuations are balanced out ? One possibility is to use them to produce energy-rich substances such as hydrogen or hydrocarbons .
The Phoenix Contact innovation magazine UPDATE 6 / 20 11