AMNYTT 7/2020 | Page 108

Das Innovationsmagazin von Phoenix Contact
Von einer Vision zur Wirklichkeit
All Electric Society
Aufbruch in ein neues Jahrzehnt
Energieerzeugung Nezzy ² – das schwimmende Windrad
Power-to-X Mit Druck in den Untergrund
Smarte Netze INGO weiß , was die Nachbarn machen


Lightning flashes are not just a symbol of untamed natural forces . In a figurative sense , they can also be seen as flashes of inspiration that drive the energy of new ideas .
Three metric tonnes of floating innovation – Nezzy 2 emerges


Generation Networking Consumption

As soon as you start looking at the opportunities and challenges , the mission statement for an All Electric Society becomes electrifying . CTO Roland Bent explains what lies behind the vision | 08
The floating double header
Sönke Siegfriedsen has already stirred up the world of wind power several times . Now he ’ s headed for the water | 16
Teaching the sun manners
How do you manage to remove the horror caused by the disrupting fluctuations created by a solar power plant away from power grids ? | 22
UPDATE 6 / 20 The Phoenix Contact innovation magazine