AMINO AMSA-Indonesia EAMSC 2017 | Page 3



AMINO is a program of AMSA- Indonesia ’ s 2015 / 2016 tenure which is improvises previous publication : Bundle Regular of AMSA-Indonesia National Competition ( BRAINs ). AMINO is a place for archive all works from AMSA member who h a v e p a r t i c i p a t e d n a t i o n a l competition was held by AMSA- Indonesia . With additional audio recording , it is expected that the readers would be to learn more regarding the works published in AMINO and to make AMINO more interactive .
 AMINO will also published three times ( PCC EAMSC , PCC AMSC , and IMSTC ). AMINO will archive all works ( i . e . scientific paper , scientific poster , public poster , photography , and videography ) and I hope AMINO can make all AMSA member participate more in all competition that held by AMSA-Indonesia .

As a closing , i would like to say thank you to Valdi Ven as a A-Team member , as the person in charge in AMINO project . I would like to say thank you to Ananta Siddhi Prawara as Regional Chairperson AMSA- Indonesia 2016 / 2017 and all Executive Board AMSA-Indonesia 2016 / 2017 who always help me until AMINO finished . I hope this AMINO will give an inspiration for all AMSA member .

 Thank You 
 Best Regards

 Edwin Setyawan 
 Secretary of Academic AMSA-Indonesia 2016 / 2017 
 Faculty of Medicine 2014 
 Maranatha Christian University , Indonesia 
 Official Email : academicandresearch @ amsaindonesia . com 
 Phone : + 6287823988766