government and health provider to anticipate the surge in DF incidence on January and do an active management beforehand .
Like many other surveillance studies that was conducted in different areas and regions [ 26 , 29 , 30 ], we found similar results showing the relation between the DF incidence and death case with weather and climate condition in Sampang regency . This recent analysis ’ provides a better insight and understanding about the dengue epidemiology in Sampang regency which may be used to improve current policies and approach in managing dengue fever .
Despite having similar result with previous study , more accurate data on both incidence and climate data are needed to create a holistic model for dengue surveillance programs . Incidence data that we retrieved remains largely from passive surveillance programs , and often underreported than the reality in the field . Therefore , we suggest more active dengue surveillance program which would also be useful in early diagnosis and prompt treatment . Climate data that were included in this study are not acquired from the government agency ( Indonesian Agency for Meteorology , Climatology , and Geophysics ) which could have provided more accurate data . Therefore , we suggest further study that includes climate data from the government to give even more accurate picture of dengue infection in Sampang .
V . Conclusion
Dengue fever is still a major challenge and public health concern in South East Asian , mainly in Indonesia . High morbidity and death case rate caused by dengue infection still creates heavy medical and economic burden in Indonesia .
Dengue fever incidence and death case monthly pattern of Sampang followed the monthly rain precipitation , peaking a month after the rain precipitation peaked . Yearly , DF incidence remained on the rise except on 2014 . Additionally , from comparing the monthly pattern of DF Incidence and death case each year ( 2012-2016 ), it is found that the pattern remained relatively the same despite changes in cumulative yearly incidence .
The result of our study provides evidence on the relationship between weather and climate in relation to DF incidence and death case . We hope this result can be used as a basis for improving our strategy , improving policies in managing dengue fever , and acquiring more data in each local regency to better reduce morbidities and mortalities related dengue infection in Indonesia .
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