AMF AFM - Instructions for use | Page 37

water before AFM® using an aggressive static mixer such as our ZPM to insure efficient use of NoPhos and removal of ortho-phosphate. The process is simple, reliable and sustainable; however Lanthanum is an expensive product. Ferric chloride is a lower cost substitute for Lanthanum chloride. The performance of ferric is not quite as good as lanthanum, in order to compensate for the reduce performance; typical a 2 to 4 excess molar ratio is applied. More ferric may be required if there is a higher concentration of solids or dissolved organics in the water to be treated. Ferric chloride is injected into the water via a ZPM or aggressive static mixer. Ideally there should be a 10-minute contact tank, which is aerated. The dissolved oxygen content must be above 2 mg/l or redox potential above 300mv. AFM® is perfect for removal of ferric, arsenic and manganese and as such it is also a good solution for the removal of ferric phosphate salt. Chemical parameter Phosphate Soluble reactive Soluble fraction Insoluble PO 42- (Fe 3+ ) 2 (PO 42- ) 3 Mg 2+ NH 4+ PO 42- Drinking water standard No limit Performance >95% The details below provides a list of phosphate minerals that will form insoluble precipitates • • triphylite Li(Fe, Mn)PO 4 monazite (Ce,L a,Y,Th)PO 4 hinsdalite PbAl 3 (PO 4 )(SO 4 )(OH) 6 • • • • • pyromorphite P b 5 (PO 4 ) 3 Cl vanadinite Pb 5 ( VO 4 ) 3 Cl erythrite Co 3 (A sO 4 ) 2 ·8H 2 O amblygonite Li AlPO 4 F lazulite (Mg,Fe) Al 2 (PO 4 ) 2 (OH) 2 • • • • • • • Dryden Aqua Ltd Butlerfield-Bonnyrigg, Edinburgh EH19 3JQ Scotland wavellite Al 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ( OH) 3 ·5H 2 O turquoise CuAl 6 (PO 4 ) 4 (OH) 8 ·5H 2 O autunite Ca(UO 2 ) 2 ( PO 4 ) 2 ·10-12H 2 O carnotite K 2 (UO 2 ) 2 ( VO 4 ) 2 ·3H 2 O phosphophyllite Zn 2 (Fe,Mn)(PO 4 ) 2 •4H 2 O struvite (NH 4 )MgP O 4 ·6H 2 O Xenotime-Y Y(PO 4 ) • • • • • Apatite group Ca 5 (PO 4 ) 3 (F,Cl,OH) hydroxylapatite C a 5 (PO 4 ) 3 OH fluorapatite Ca 5 (P O 4 ) 3 F chlorapatite Ca 5 (P O 4 ) 3 Cl bromapatite Mitridatite group: Arseniosiderite- mitridatite series (Ca 2 (Fe 3+ ) 3 [(O) 2 |(AsO 4 ) 3 ]·3H 2 O -- Ca 2 (Fe 3+ ) 3 [(O) 2 |(PO 4 ) 3 ]·3H 2 O) [1] • Arseniosiderite- robertsite series (Ca 2 (Fe 3+ ) 3 [(O) 2 |(AsO 4 ) 3 ]·3 H 2 O -- Ca 3 (Mn 3+ ) 4 [(OH) 3 |(PO 4 ) 2 ] 2 · 3H 2 O) [2] • • Page 37 of 44 •