AMF AFM - Instructions for use | Page 11

4. Commissioning and preparing AFM® for use 4.1. Disinfection of AFM® During the manufacturing process of AFM® it is exposed on two occasions to temperatures in excess of 1000 o C. The product is clean and sterilised. All production takes place in a secure building and the product is protected at all times. If further disinfection is required, AFM® is compatible with most oxidising agents in a pH range pH 4 to pH10. pH range Hypochlorous Chlorine dioxide Ozone Hydrogen peroxide 4.2. pH 4 to 10 500mg/l 1000mg/l 10mg/l 10g/l Filter bed depth and type of filter The depth of the filter bed is a function of the filter design, it is always best to use filters in compliance with the German DIN standards. However, this is not always the situation, especially with small filters. Filter bed depth in compliance to DIN will have a bed depth from 1200mm to 1400mm, however AFM® may be used in any sand filter design including: 1. 2. 3. 4. Vertical pressure filters. Horizontal pressure filters. RGF rapid gravity filters. Moving bed sand filters with vertica l up-flow or down-flow mode. Dryden Aqua Ltd Butlerfield-Bonnyrigg, Edinburgh EH19 3JQ Scotland Page 11 of 44 The deeper the bed depth of AFM®, the better the performance of the filter.