The Community of Conscience includes a declaration of
nine principles aimed at rejecting bigotry and amplifying
values that unite all Americans.
Please join in reading the nine principles:
1. Join us, in the spirit of the American motto E Pluribus Unum, as
we unite across difference, celebrate our diversity, contribute to a
shared society, and resolve to advance the welfare of all.
2. Join us, in the spirit of patriotism, as we strive proudly and boldly to
uphold American ideals of equality, of dignity, of opportunity for all.
3. Join us, in the spirit of civility, as we reject antisemitism and all
forms of bigotry, incendiary partisanship whatever its sources,
dehumanizing and demonizing rhetoric, and threats of violence.
4. Join us, in the spirit of democracy, as we reaffirm and reinforce our
constitutional system, seek equal justice for all, and safeguard our
fundamental freedoms.
5. Join us, in the spirit of pluralism, as we promote mutual respect—not
mere tolerance—as the standard for enlightened coexistence.
6. Join us, in the spirit of inclusiveness, as we reach out to and uplift
the poorest among us, as we welcome the stranger in our midst, and
as we fully enfranchise the differently abled.
7. Join us, in the spirit of love, as we counter those who purvey hate,
intolerance and incivility, especially those who legitimize their
inappropriate practices based on “holy writ.”
8. Join us in seeking to fulfill the biblical teaching that we are
all “b’Tzelem Elokim,”all created in the divine image, the very
foundation of human equality.
9. And join us in pursuing the Prophet Isaiah’s age-old vision that one
day “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they
learn war anymore”—that peace, love, and unity will reign.