America's Table: A Thanksgiving Reader | Page 16

The Fourth Question

On all other holidays , we focus on our past . How on this day can we think about the America we want to build for the future ?
As we express our gratitude , we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words , but to live by them .
Prayer Rabbi Jack Riemer
We cannot merely pray to God to end war ; For the world was made in such a way That we must find our own path of peace Within ourselves and with our neighbor … Therefore we pray instead For strength , determination , and will power , To do , instead of merely to pray To become instead of merely to wish ... That our world may be safe , And that our lives may be blessed .
We close with a moment of quiet contemplation . Usually a moment of silence is used to remember and mourn . Today , let us use it as a time to plan . What can each of us do in the coming year to build a better nation and a better world ? How can we work together to achieve our goals ?