America's Table: A Thanksgiving Reader | Page 12

We are each part of America ’ s journey .
We did not leave heritage behind , like unwanted baggage at immigration ’ s door . It is a vital aspect of who we are as individuals and what we have become as a nation . Our differences enrich America in many ways .
As we listen to each other ’ s stories , each one of us is enriched . As we share our stories , we understand that our nation is a beautiful tapestry of stories of American journeys . Hearing each other ’ s stories helps us understand one another better and helps defeat the hatred that comes from ignorance .
The land flourished because it was fed from so many sources — because it was nourished by so many cultures and traditions and peoples .
As you begin to realize that every different type of music , everybody ’ s individual music , has its own rhythm , life , language and heritage ... you learn how to be more open and adaptive to what is around us .
If hate , violence , bigotry , bitterness , and antisemitism are to be defeated in our world , we must move in the direction of dignified dialogue where we talk with others .