American Valor Quarterly Issue 4 - Autumn 2008 | Page 20

Calvin Mehlert Accords, the communists were supposed to evacuate their guerrilla troops north while the French Army evacuated south. There was an obvious need for the South Vietnamese to extend government into areas formerly under communist control. The only institution available for this purpose was the South Vietnamese army which had never conducted independent operations under the French in less than battalion size, was demoralized with many desertions and whose chief of staff was spending his time during most of 1954 plotting a coup against the newly arrived Prime Minister, Ngo Dinh Diem. prevailed. The population’s initial fear and indifference turned into active support as the local people began identifying arms caches left behind by the Vietminh (the existence of these caches clearly indicated they intended to return), as well as fingering active Vietminh stay-behind cadre. After Lansdale left in 1956, the Vietnamese Army was taken out of its territorial security role to be organized and trained as regular infantry divisions to oppose an overt North Vietnamese invasion over the 17th parallel. This left a security vacuum in the rural areas which was supposed to be filled by provincial Civil Guard units, but they were ill-trained and ill-equipped. At the village level a self defense corps was recruited, but received little training while owning even worse weapons (an occasional pistol and shotgun along with a few old French rifles). When the North Vietnamese reignited the insurgency in South Vietnam in 1959-1960, the South Vietnamese armed forces (the army, the civil guard and the selfdefense corps) were not organized or prepared to ensure population security while taking on the newly labeled Vietcong (Vietnamese communists). Thus the insurgency thrived. By the end of 1954, coup plotting was foiled so the army could begin seriously considering its pacification assignment. No one knew whether the Vietminh might reinitiate active resistance with stay-behind cadre in the zones they were evacuating