American Security Today September Digital Magazine September 2016 | Page 65

Volume 7 want and for as long as they can. In addition, cybercriminals have numerous ways to attack – and they keep finding more. It’s similar to physical crime or terrorism in that way. It’s not feasible to protect a soccer stadium, for example, against all possible attack vectors—from every entrance, from the sky, from underground—let alone means of attack that security teams haven’t thought of yet. With today’s porous network perimeters and proliferation of devices connecting to the network, data security is a constant, uphill battle. The fact is that every time we get it wrong, something bad happens. Sometimes very bad, as in stock-plummeting, customer-fleeing, company-destroying bad. September 2016 Edition delity to truly take control of a user’s identity, if the right signals are observed and analyzed. The focus changes from the user’s username, password and perhaps location or secret question, to his or her unique identifying behaviors. Deriving identification from measuring these behavioral indicators is so powerful because behavioral signals can’t be replicated in enough fidelity to emulate a known good user. When these signals are gathered together to create unique user profiles, fraudulent actors can’t use the static username and password data they’ve stolen. It’s no longer merely an issue of plugging credentials into a login screen and taking over an account, or completing fraudulent transactions; fraudsters would have to exactly mimic every behavior in the profile – an impossible task. This method makes personal data useless to criminals. Why would they go to the trouble of stealing something they can’t use? The incentive for fraudsters to steal this kind of data is zero. In other words, the data has no value. (Learn More, What is account takeover, why is it important, and what can Financial Institutions and Ecommerce companies do about it? Courtesy of NuData Security and YouTube) Reading the Signals Security today must be proactive, and being proactive means observing consumer behavior with much higher fidelity. Traditionally, analysis has tended to be rather superficial. To truly understand and know the user, you need to look deeper. This includes looking for signals you wouldn’t normally look for—how fast someone types, how hard they hit the keys, how a user interacts with a website, etc. —the types of signals that are often overlooked or ignored. So then, what others — criminals and consumers alike — don’t pay attention to actually creates a unique, behavior-based user profile that is far more detailed and reliable than the old standby of username and password. Knowing a consumer’s true behavior transcends reliance on static identities. Applying this knowledge of the consumer’s true behavior, devalues the stolen data. How? Cyber criminals can’t emulate behaviors with enough fi- Rewriting the Rules Along with death and taxes, data theft has become a certainty. The saving grace here is that criminals tend to take the path of least resistance as well, and nab the loot that’s easiest to steal and offers the biggest pay-off. If you could change the scenario so that the loot is unusable and therefore worthless to them, why wouldn’t you? By creating authentication based on a user’s behavior, you render customer data useless and remove the incentive for theft. This creates a double layer of protection: any data that may be stolen can’t be used in a meaningful way. It’s the ultimate win-win in the battle to protect data. About the author Robert Capps is the vice president of Business Development for NuData Security. He is a recognized technologist, thought leader and advisor with more than 20 years of experience in the design, management and protection of complex information systems – leveraging people, process and technology to counter cyber risks. For more information, visit https://nudatasecurity. com/ 65