American Security Today May 2017 Digital Magazine American Security Today May 2017 Digital Magazine | Page 26
Volume 12
supervisors prepared to help when an emergen-
cy like this strikes.
Once we heard the forecast and realized what to
expect from the weather heading our way, it was
all hands-on deck.
May 2017 Edition
A few months’ prior, the center implemented so-
lutions to help us prepare and respond quicker
during emergencies and they were certainly
ready to be put to the test.
Rave Command View allowed us to see hotspots
during the storm, providing map-based views of
critical information including 9-1-1 call patterns
and facility data.
With the Rave Panic Button app, emergency de-
tails are communicated with the necessary per-
sonnel clearly and in seconds, shortening our
response times and improving responder safety.
Rave Prepare: Engage and Empower Your Com-
(1 million feet of power lines replaced. 1,700 lineworkers (DTE
and out-of-state workers). 5,350 people working on restora-
tion efforts. 12,000 power lines down (compared to 600 in a
typical catastrophic storm). 1,285 utility poles replaced. 1,600
cross arms replaced. 800,000 customers restored. Courtesy
of DTE Energy and YouTube)
Emergency Preparedness Registry
An emergency preparedness registry designed
to help emergency managers understand the
individual needs in their community with faster
communication during a crisis.
Knowing it was going to be a busy day, the first
thing we did was contact local media to see if
they wanted to come to the dispatch center to
watch the event unfold and do live segments with
accurate details on all the power outage calls.
We knew real-time information would be avail-
able due to the adoption of a new technology
from critical communication and data platform
company, Rave Mobile Safety, (a competitor in
the 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards
Thousands of businesses, state and local agencies, hospi-
tals, and universities rely on Rave Alert as their mass notifi-
cation system
Accurate, Citizen-Provided Data on In-
teractive Maps
(Find out how Rave’s revolutionary safety technology can
help keep your people safe. Courtesy of Rave Mobile Safety
and YouTube)
Showing data on interactive maps lets emergen-
cy managers easily identify residents with medi-
cal, access or functional needs, and quickly as-
sess potential impact and allocate resources as