American Red Cross Northern Minnesota Region - Annual Report FY12 July 2011-June 2012 | Page 11
Around the World
Global Reach, Global Impact
Each year, disasters affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide, and con?ict and
health emergencies touch the lives of millions more. Last year the American Red Cross
helped millions of people affected by ?ooding, tropical storms, droughts, earthquakes
and other disasters in 27 countries. In addition, the American Red Cross also worked
with Red Cross and Red Crescent partners around the world to build safer, more resilient
communities that are better prepared for future disasters.
When widespread drought in the Horn of Africa caused crop failure, water scarcity, low
food supplies, death of livestock and the migration of people throughout the region, the
American Red Cross contributed $4.2 million to the global Red Cross network’s multicountry response, which provided water, food, health services and other relief supplies.
Tropical storms and ?ooding also caused extensive damage around the world last year.
The American Red Cross responded to humanitarian needs caused by ?oods in 14
countries, providing relief supplies, disaster specialists and ?nancial support. The Red
Cross also responded to Typhoon Washi in the Philippines by supporting the global Red
Cross network’s response, which assisted 25,000 people with food, clean drinking water
and shelter supplies.
Last year the American Red Cross helped communities in 33 countries in Asia, Africa,
Latin America and the Caribbean better understand the disaster risks they face, develop
action plans and identify cost-effective early warning systems to better predict and react
to threats.
The American Red Cross also brought measles vaccinations and health education
messages to communities around the world. As a founding partner of the Measles
Initiative, the American Red Cross has supported the vaccination of more than 1 billion
children against measles over the last decade, including more than 146 million last year.
Red Cross volunteers played a critical role in measles vaccination campaigns by going
door-to-door, reaching even remote communities to encourage mothers to bring their
children to be vaccinated.
After Typhoon Washti damaged his
home, Peter Lacarte received supplies
from the Red Cross that helped him
repair his house.
2012 at a Glance
• 4.4 million people rec
disaster assistance fro
the American Red Cros
s in
coordination with its glo
Red Cross network pa
• Red Cross partners
communities in 33 coun
were better prepared for
future disasters.
• More than 146 millio
children were protected
against measles.
• 4,709 families turned
to the
loved ones following wa
and disasters.