American Racing News Vol 1, Issue 2 Issue 4 | Page 24

Straight Line Great cities and buildings become old and eventually have to be replaced. Our cars wear out. Our clothes become tattered after many wearing and washings. And come to think of it, most drag boats have a fairly short life expectancy (except the old Garform boat, but fifty years compared to eternity isn’t much either). There is nothing wrong with possessions, and there is surely nothing wrong with having a lovely place where you can get away for a few days, or more. But if we desire these things above God who created them, they then become the center of our affection instead of Him. As was mentioned earlier, your heart is usually wherever your treasure is. What we perceive as being important normally captures our attention. If our eyes and hearts are set only on the material things of life, they can easily take the forefront of our thoughts and time. Balance is important in life. Places and things are a way of life, but we must learn to keep ourselves focused on God first, family second, and then third place can be racing or work or school, depending on a few variables. What brings joy to your life? Is your heart set on what you have and what you see? It could easily all be gone tomorrow. Possibly gone before you finish reading this story, but if you have a solid relationship with Jesus, your treasure is kept for eternity. For many people God’s Country can be things like building an engine, smelling nitro, tuning an engine, reading computer graphs, deciding on the correct tune-up and set-up. It’s all part of the good life in racing. Becoming a Christian—literally a follower and disciple of Jesus—is being eternally God’s property from the day you first believed. This means being content where you are. It also means being in God’s will for the rest of your earthly life: Living in God’s Country. The Bible tells us to be content wherever you are. If you long for a special place, put your hope in the promise of Heaven. Remember, rich or poor, well feed or hungry, at home or out-of doors, good health or sick, in need or satisfied, rain or shine, sunny or cloudy, hot or cold, windy or calm, win or lose—believers are in God’s Country! Have you found the Promised Land? The book of Hebrews tells us the Old Testament believers were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. The place God prepared for them. It beckons all of us to come to the heavenly Jerusalem the city of the living God. God can bring you to a place of tranquility. That place of holiness. That place of contentment. That place of peace and perfection which is set in the hearts of humans. I found God’s Country on the morning of February 5, 1988—the day I accepted Christ. I’m still there! How can this be you ask? If you are His, you’re in God’s Country. You might be in a place you currently don’t By Jim Jack care for, or in a place that doesn’t seem beautiful. You might be in a place that seems lonely, or thinking of loved ones who left this world. But remember, God’s Country is where God’s people are. Motorsports spectators think they are in God’s Country. Any racing machine is a part of their dreamland. The race course is their paradise. The smells and the noises are heavenly. They wish the event would go on eternally. These folks are simply content. Where have you taken up residence? Wherever it may be, it has been your choice to reside there. If it is God’s Country, you are where you belong. If it is not God’s Country, you can be there by simply understanding God’s calling on your life. He would like all people to have a little taste of heaven before the real thing comes to pass. Remember, life is an adventure on your way to Paradise. At times, the winners circle may seem like God’s Country, or hanging out with family may seem like the best place to be…it surely isn’t being stung by a bee…at times it may be too far off to see…you’re willing to go even if it costs you a big fee…watch out for that low-hanging tree…cause it’s high-time you were set totally free. Did You Know? Besides the United States, Team RFC® has international chaplains serving in Canada, Kenya, Australia, and Finland. Photo | RFC PR 24 | American Raciang News | Straight Line