American Racing News Vol 1, Issue 2 Issue 3 | Page 34
Straight Line
By Jim Jack
Whole Lotta’ Love
I’m not a betting man, but I just might
bet the farm believing almost everyone who read
I’m not a betting man, but I just might
bet the farm believing almost everyone who reads this column loves racing. Why? You have a well-defined
love for the intense environment of
motorsports. You have a deep-seeded
love for powerful racing machines.
You have a Whole Lotta I’m not a betting man, but I just might bet the farm
believing almost everyone who reads
this column loves racing. Why? You
have a well-defined love for the intense environment of motorsports.
You have a deep-seeded love for powerful racing machines. You have a
Whole Lotta Love for the wonderful
people who make up the racing community.
Humans love many things…like beautiful diamond rings…anyone who brilliantly sings…people who tug at your
heart strings…engines screaming as
the RPM zings…and hopefully above
all, the King of kings.
Love is the grandest theme of Scripture, love is the lubricant of the Spirit,
love provides purpose, love compels
concern, love imparts motivation,
love transforms character, and love