Jeff Sonksen, Paint the Trail
Many months ago, upon hearing of Florida amendment
13 which was being placed on our voting ballot, I was
encouraged by Debbie Malott for us to go “see for ourselves”
before casting our votes during the upcoming election. Of
course, that amendment referred to eliminating greyhound
racing in the State of Florida. I had not been to a dog race in
years, and certainly not since I have become so passionate
about our working breed - the American Pit Bull Terrier -
but off we went.
We joined a group of interested parties touring Derby
Lanes located in St. Petersburg, Florida. The track owners,
personnel and adoption groups were very transparent and
forthcoming. They welcomed us explaining the history of
the industry, love of the racing game and their athletes, and
their dedication to their adoption programs. Their love for
the breed, care of the hounds, concern for what will happen
to active kennels and racers, as well as the placement of
retired racers and those dogs who unfortunately did not have
what it took to make the track was their first and foremost
concern. The loss of their jobs was secondary. How could
these dogs not be permitted to do what they love to do? And,
what athletes they are in their own way!
There were two things that stood out to me that day and
have permanently been etched in my mind. The first was a
huge black and white photo that was taken many years ago
that shows the racing greyhound far surpassing the speed
of the lure. Moral of the picture... they are born to and love
to run! Secondly was love. I can only explain it as the kind
and depth of love we share with and about our breed. It is
pure. It is honest. It is passionate. Their battle is so much like
our own, but yet still so very different. Their opponents call
themselves Grey2k, but if you follow the money you will find
the same animal rights activists and organizations that we
all already know too well and battle on a daily basis. Their
battle is different in the respect that this issue had already
found its way onto the ballot of our upcoming election! How
did we get here, and how in the world did I personally not
see this coming right here in my own back yard?! Those that
loved these dogs and support this activity needed help, and
they needed it fast.
It wasn’t long before I heard the name Jeff Sonksen and
found his Facebook, page Paint the Trail. A local, and very
unique artist that shared a level of passion for these dogs,
the racing of the dogs and the desire to reveal the truths
about the lying animal rights organizations and how they
promote their agenda; he pulls no punches. He pushes and
challenges these groups hard. He lives close to SeaWorld in
Florida, and I do believe, besides his artwork, his favorite
thing to do is protest. He protests at the SeaWorld gate as
Jeff Sonsken with his Starfish Award, announced at the
2019 ADBA Convention in Las Vegas, NV
often as he can. He LOVES it! So, how can you not love this
guy?! He is a true hero to all who support the human/animal
bond, and he lights a passion in those around him and even
those who watch his truth filled videos. Go to his pages
and see his incredible art and how he chooses to display it.
But, most importantly, watch a few of his videos and get
the transfusion of his passion; his blood, sweat and laughter
that we all need in order to push forward in our own fight.
It doesn’t matter if it is for the American Pit Bull Terrier,
the greyhound, a milk cow, horse racing, a chicken for eggs,
hunting, pig racing, horse drawn carriage rides or even the
simple act of enjoying a day on the lake fishing. All of these
things, and more, are under attack somewhere TODAY. It
is our responsibility to fight this battle just as hard as Jeff
does. It is each and every one of our responsibilities to stand
firm. It is our responsibility to know our local politicians
and become engaged. It is our responsibility to know our
Senators and House Representatives. It is our responsibility
to provide them with the truth. Why? Because our opponents
LIE! Lies have gotten them where they are today. For years
I’ve tried to figure out how to beat ‘them’. It is simple. It