Hank Greenwood
Heather DeVito
Tyler Bullock
Patty Bullock
Amy G. Burford
Assoc. Editor (ADBSI)
Ad Design/Layout
Operations Supervisor
Projects Director
Advisory Board
Renee Greenwood, Kate Greenwood
ADBA American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette - P.O. Box 1771, Salt Lake
City, Utah 84110 - (801) 936-7513 - fax (801) 936-4229 - E-mail:
[email protected]. Be sure to visit our website for information,
applications & more! http://www.adba.cc
The ADBA American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette will not knowingly
publish any material conflicting with the Animal Welfare Act of
1976 and all written material submitted to the Gazette for publication must contain the legal name of the author and current
address or it will not be printed. Nicknames or initials may be
used upon request but full legal name must accompany all written
material submitted for printing. It is not the intent or purpose of
ADBA APBT Gazette or its advertisers to condone or promote any
illegal activity, including dog fighting.
The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect those of the American Dog Breeders Association, Inc. or the Editor. The American Dog Breeders Association, Inc. does not in any way guarantee any products advertised
in the Gazette. We will not knowingly advertise any product, by
anyone, that will not live up to their claims.
The ADBA American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette is published by THE
AMERICAN DOG BREEDERS ASSOCIATION INC. Issued every three months. (Fall issue Aug. 15th; Winter issue, Nov. 15th;
Spring issue, Feb. 15th; and Summer issue, May 15th.)
(Postage Included)
USA .............................................. $35.00
Canada mailing ................ $35 (US funds)
All Overseas mailing ..........$75 (US funds)
We have limited back issues available
USA /Canada (postage inc.) ......$10.00 ea
Overseas (postage inc.) ........... $20.00 ea
(Please note that all ads will be run in color)
Back Cover .............................................. $550.00
Inside Back Cover.................................... $450.00
Inside Front Cover.................................... $450.00
Full page.................................................. $310.00
Half page................................................. $180.00
1/3 pg ..................................................... $130.00
1/6 pg ..................................................... $ 90.00
Photos ...................... $20/ea (1 time processing fee)
Classified .................... 0.40 per word - $15 minimum
(No photos accepted in classified ads)
All dogs advertised in the Gazette MUST be registered with the
ADBA. (ADBA registered numbers must be included with ad.
DAY PRECEDING THE MONTH OF ISSUE. (Feb. Issue deadline: Jan. 1st - May issue - April 1st, etc.) Any Kennel Names
used in ads must be registered with the ADBA and belong to
the registered owner as listed with the registration office. All
photos sent into the Gazette are considered the property of the
Gazette. No guarantee as to placement in desired issue, as all
advertisement space is based on a first come basis, provided all
requirements are met.
**American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette reserves the right to edit any
material and/or refuse publication of any material we feel may not
be in the best interest of the breed or this magazine.
**American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette Copyright ® 1981
Nothing that appears in this magazine may be reprinted either
wholly or in part without written permission of the publisher and
the American Dog Breeders Association, Inc.
Recently, the American Dog Breeders Association has taken steps
to address and identify issues that have caused concern among the
ADBA’s Board of Directors related to the ADBA’s American Pit Bull
Terrier Stud Book.
On page four of this issue, we have outlined a process which will start
to address these concerns. We have also added to the ADBA American
Pit Bull Terrier Heritage® Conformation Standard an ideal range of
weight for the breed.
These issues did not occur overnight and will take a period of time
to rectify. However, we are hard at work to make it happen. In fact, the
foundation process for some of these dogs may be in place between the
time this issue goes in for publication and is mailed to our subscribers.
We thank the breeders and owners that support the ADBA and we
will continue to provide the highest quality registration service, support
and athletic canine activities for the breeds they choose to own and
Stud Book: The Bible of a Breed ........................................................................................................ pg. 04
What’s In Your Pedigree .................................................................................................................... pg. 07
Bad Bills for Texas Dogs .................................................................................................................... pg. 08
My Renaissance Girl .......................................................................................................................... pg. 10
Nutrition Tidbits: Part Two ...................................