American Patriot February 2014 | Página 5


of the bullets hit Paul Ali Slater in the face and neck area.

Todd is the author of Dispatches From Bitter America – endorsed by Sarah Palin, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity. Click here to get your copy!

“The guy’s face down, crying,” the sheriff told the newspaper.

The woman told him to stay down or she’d shoot again.

Slater, who has a long rap sheet, survived. He’s listed in critical condition.

The woman’s husband told WSB-TV that his wife is a hero.

“She protected the kids,” he told television station. “She did what she was supposed to do.”

The sheriff agreed.

“That mother’s instinct kicked in,” Chapman told the newspaper. “You go after a mother’s kids and she’ll find herself capable of doing things she never thought she was capable of.”

Residents across North Georgia are praising the unidentified woman’s actions.

“God bless this woman,

” one reader wrote on

WAGA’s website.

“She had the strength

and courage to stand

and protect her children

and herself.”

“That is what

I call gun control,

” another reader

wrote. “Good job,

lady. You are brave.”