American Motorcycle Dealer AMD 241 August 2019 | Page 33

Entirely devoid of 'catalog' parts and dripping with handcrafted excellence, it's hard to know where to begin to talk about this incredibly contemporary veteran. Having absorbed what has been done with the frame and the front, and the rear swingarm, and the front swingarm style ersatz hub steer 'fork', and the front suspension (twin shocks underneath the frame), and the rear horizontally mounted fork tubes under the frame, and the dual chain primary and secondary set up, and, and, and … Personally speaking a big red overload/reboot light flashes as one tries to simply absorb the creativity, innovation, ingenuity, craftsmanship - the thinking and thought processes to arrive at 'Flying Marla' simply take the breath away. Exceptional. Stunning. A testament to the engineering genius of the Italian custom motorcycle market. And, yes, before you ask, of course it is a 'runner' - all the bikes that make it into the awards process at the 'AMD' have to be supported in advance by a run test video. In AMD World Championship terms, what a year 2018 was! AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE DEALER - AUGUST 2019 33