American Chordata: Magazine of New Writing Issue One, Spring 2015 | Page 13

Bride Quarterly, The Philadelphia Review of Books, Slice, Verse Daily, The Volta, West Branch, and Western Humanities Review, among others. A graduate of the University of Virginia and Columbia University, she works as a Senior Writer at a criminal justice thinktank in Manhattan, studies philosophy at The New School for Social Research, and lives in Brooklyn. J a k e S ta n g e l mostly rides bikes and shoots photos on the side occasionally. He lives in San Francisco. Favorite fruit is bosc pear. H ay l e y St e p h o n is a photographer living in New York City. She is currently studying at the School of Visual Arts. locally and nationally. She has been featured on the cover of New American Paintings #106 and selected as a “Jury Pick” for 100 Painters of Tomor row, a publication produced by Beers Contemporary in London. Di a n a X i n holds an MFA in fiction from the University of Montana. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Alaska Quarterly Review, The Masters Review, and Gulf Coast. She lives in Seattle, Washington. BUTO RS A l ly W h i t e is a painter from Atlanta, GA, who has exhibited NTR I based in Brooklyn, NY. She received her BS in Cinema and Photography from Ithaca College. Her work often considers the intricacies of location, fear, and storytelling. She recently spent time at artist residencies throughout Iceland before moving to New York, where she works at the publishing company W. W. Norton & Company. xi • CO A n i k a S t e p p e was born in Ann Arbor, MI, and is currently