Winter 2018 / Issue 56
better competitive environment and
protecting consumers according to
the reputation of the EU countries.
Even more important is to re-exam-
ine the possibilities for policy-makers
and institutions that protect compe-
tition and consumers to make efforts
to integrate both policies in the face
of dishonest market practices and
unfair competition, and use posi-
tive examples in others countries
and European experience. Other-
wise, there are sectors that are not
involved in the supervision of dishon-
est market practices at the European
level, such as transport, environmen-
tal protection, financial services, and
real estate sales, where such prac-
tices should be prohibited through
specific laws and should be covered
in the future by the LCP.
The need for continuous improve-
ment of the capacities of the compe-
tent authorities for dealing with unfair
commercial practices in controlling
sales through online shops is also evi-
dent, especially the need to introduce
a register of the most common dis-
honest practices in online shopping.
The cooperation between the busi-
ness sector and consumer organiza-
tions with the Agency for Audio and
Audiovisual Media Services (AAVMS)
and program operators, as well as
with all other competent authorities
for suppression of broadcasting of
illicit advertisements with fraudulent
information, is insufficient. Naturally,
cooperation with all stakeholders is
necessary in order to work jointly to
reduce and/or eliminate the negative
phenomena in the sale of products
and services in both the traditional and the digital markets. One of
the pretexts for better consumer protection is the advancement of
corporate culture through the adoption of business codes, as well
as stimulating project activities for the acceptance of such codes.
In addition to strengthening their institutional capacities, consumer
organizations should be strengthened both financially and their staff
should be highly skilled in order to be able to cope with the daily
needs of consumers and to conduct market research.
The new rules for online sales and sales out of business premises
(edited by the CLP with the amendments of 2014) in some cases
indicate that there is a creation of unfair competition and distrust
among consumers.
The recent warning about the sale of the “Keyla doll” that was pro-
hibited in many EU countries due to the illegal collection of personal
data, or similar sales of watches with features that allow pinpointing
children’s locations which can be traced not only by their parents,
but other people as well, can certainly lead to unwanted conse-
quences. The application of standards for the protection of personal
data when selling such products is a burning topic at this moment
in the EU countries where consumer organizations appeal for the
application of higher standards of safety and consumer protection.
The number of fraudulent sales targeted to consumers is still high.
Should I remind you about the scams that found fake parameters
in the fuel consumption and exhaust gas emissions in cars? The
question arises whether consumers who have been tricked into fuel
consumption data and a reduced amount of exhaust gases would
opt to buy these vehicles if they had the correct data when purchas-
ing. Deliberate targeting of consumer decisions by presenting unre-
liable information represents not only an attack on consumer rights,
but also encourages unfair competition on the market. Although the
manufacturers of these vehicles have faced collective lawsuits in the
EU and the United States, the process for organizing consumers
and initiating the procedure is quite lengthy. An additional problem
is that the legal reg ulation is not harmonized in all EU countries and
consumers are not indemnified. When it comes to collective law-
suits, consumers in Macedonia, as well as in other Western Balkan
countries, expect that there will be a positive step forward in advanc-
ing the legal framework for initiating lawsuits for collective consumer
protection, which will promote the rights of consumers in the region,
and the indemnity will be feasible.
New Member Highlight
Law Office Pepeljugoski is widely recognized as lead-
ing full-service law firm headquartered in Skopje. Our law
office is renowned is pioneer in the field of intellectual
property and it has extensive knowledge and experience
in providing legal services in civil and commercial matters.
Since our inception, we became one of the largest leading
offices in Macedonia establishing working relations with
other law offices worldwide and permanent cooperation
with notaries, enforcement agents, evaluators, transla-
tors. For the past years, the Law Office Pepeljugoski has
been representative of domestic and international clients
in complex issues, enabling to create large top client
AmCham Macedonia Magazine