AMC_To your Health_Winter 2017 | Page 40

women ’ s health

UUnpleasant odor . Concerns regarding vaginal odor are quite common . If you are concerned that something is actually wrong , especially when the odor is combined with other symptoms ( burning , itching ), it is worth informing the gynecologist . After all , the odor can be a sign of infection or dysbiosis ( dysbacteriosis ), which should be treated .

UUrine incontinence when coughing or sneezing . Incontinence is typical in many women of different ages , but the problem is most acute and troubling for women in Menopause . For some , such a state can even become the cause for social isolation . Indeed , many are embarrassed to talk about it , but the problem can be successfully treated . Modern gynecology offers numerous medications for correction of such conditions .

HHot flashes . As women get closer to the age of 50 , this condition is acceptable and even natural . For younger women , hot flashes are not indicative of the approaching menopause . Most likely , such symptoms are indicative of thyroid disorders , so you may need to undergo further examination or consult an endocrinologist .

CChanges in the genital area . Changes in skin coloration , texture , strange protrusions , and rashes may be signs to seek further medical advice .

Dr . Olena Molchanova , Gynecologist , AMC Lviv
Do you find it awkward or hesitate when speaking to your gynecologist about sex or intimate hygiene ? The truth is that no matter how uncomfortable and awkward one feels , it is very important to share your concerns with the doctor .

PPainful menstruation . Cramps , slight aching and dull pain before or during menstruation ( especially on the first day ) are common . Yet , when severe pain or significant discomfort during menstruation occurs on a monthly basis , it should be mentioned to the doctor : the symptoms may be indicative of numerous different problems .

CControl of the mammary glands . Your Gynecologist should give you advise on how to self-diagnose and examine your breasts . Referrals for ultrasound examination or mammographies are sometimes necessary .