AMC_To your Health_Winter 2017 | Page 36

Women ’ S Health
How to maintain reproductive health ?
Take care of your body , always . Keep track of your menstruation cycles , perform breast self-examinations monthly and call your doctor if you feel any minor discomfort .
Practice good hygiene to prevent ovarian inflammatory diseases . Ask your Gynecologist about details .
Regular check-ups and openness when talking to your doctor can help prevent serious diseases or identify them at early stages . Always be candid and trust in your physician .
Practice good hygiene to prevent ovarian inflammatory diseases . Ask your Gynecologist about details .
If you are not planning a pregnancy , consult with your gynecologist to determine the most reliable contraception method for you and your partner .
If you do not have a regular sexual partner , use adequate protection . In case you engage in unprotected intercourse and you are not sure about the health of your sexual partner , ask your doctor about emergency measures to protect you from getting a sexually transmitted disease ( it is best to take measures during the first 72 hours after intercourse ).
Although a lot depends on the environment and society in which we are brought up , the primary source of health and education should be the family . This is why it is so important to pay attention to your children , listen to them , help them follow a healthy lifestyle – it will be the best investment in the future of your children and society .
Dr . Maya Kipiani , Medical Director , AMC Tbilisi
Reproductive health is an ability to conceive , carry and give birth to a healthy child . Good reproductive health is influenced by a number of factors including heredity , lifestyle , and habits , nutrition and diet , stress , fatigue , failure to comply with hygiene , smoking , use of energy stimulants , alcohol , certain medications , and more .