AMC_To your Health_Winter 2017 | Page 32

А Healthy life
Eat protein for breakfast
Having protein , fat and fiber at every meal is the easiest way to balance your blood sugar and keep yourself full and focused . For breakfast , our ultimate hack is a smoothie – this all in one , clinically-tested Rebuild shake , blended with frozen blueberries , greens and a spoon of nut butter . It ’ s highly energizing , anti-inflammatory and it ’ s our secret weapon that could now be yours . Try it .
Get your gut checked
Pathogenic bacteria , parasites , and yeast , such as Candida , could be making you crave and eat sugary foods , because it ’ s their favorite ever cuisine . Test for and eliminate these guys before they get the chance to worsen conditions like autoimmune arthritis , acne , thyroid imbalance and eczema .
Eat more fermented food
Increase sour , probiotic foods like sauerkraut and kimchi that curb your cravings for sweetness . Bonus : Your gut will thank you by fighting off the above mentioned perpetrators .
Feel your feelings
Forcing yourself to stop craving something never actually works . Our cravings , compulsions , and addictions are distractions from deeper feelings that make us uncomfortable , so when they bubble up we push them back down with an obsessive habit , like chewing chocolate . It ’ s a fun temporary solution , but it ’ s not sustainable and it ’ s also not healthy . You can ’ t outrun your feelings , they ’ ll catch you eventually so you might as well stop , turn and face them now . news health
Sugar is the new Tobacco , so let ’ s treat it that Way
The UK government announced an introduction of a 20 % tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in 2017 . The World Health Organization ( WHO ) offers to tax sugary drinks by at least 20 % in order to curb the global epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes . We mustn ’ t forget that the substantial decline in tobacco consumption in the past three decades , which was the single most important factor driving a decrease in cardiovascular mortality during that period , only happened after legislative measures that targeted the affordability , availability , and acceptability of smoking .
A 15 % reduction in sugar consumption through such a tax would prevent 180,000 people in the UK from becoming obese within a year and a larger number from becoming overweight . The scientific evidence reveals that the positive health benefits for the whole population of such a tax goes beyond a mere reduction in calories . Studies show that :
• For every additional 150 sugar calories available for consumption , there is an 11-fold increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes .
• The prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the US population between 1988 and 2012 increased by 25 %.
• There is a trebling in cardiovascular mortality among US adults who consumed more than 25 % of calories from added sugar versus those who consumed less than 10 %.
• A study showed a significant reduction of triglycerides , LDL cholesterol , blood pressure , and fasting insulin within just 10 days in children with metabolic syndrome .
Borrowed from www . medscape . com
Borrowed from Parsley Health – A Division of Parsley Medical PLLC