AMC_To your Health_Winter 2017 | Page 30

How to Quit

Sugar Now !

Sugar is addictive . It ’ s also very bad for your short and long-term health . You should probably quit it . But how ?
Why is sugar evil ?
Sugar perpetuates overall inflammation , dumps fat on your liver ( non-alcoholic fatty liver disease ); makes your cells resistant to the effects of insulin ( insulin resistant ); and then gives you metabolic syndrome , abdominal obesity , cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes . It also messes with your fertility .
There ’ s more : Medical research in the last decade has provided compelling evidence for the involvement of insulin resistance in cancer . While Alzheimer ’ s disease , the most common form of dementia , is now viewed as a type of diet-induced diabetes ( dubbed by doctors as Type 3 diabetes , or “ Diabetes of the Brain ”). Start quitting . Start here :
Eat more fat
This is the number one secret , and one that many people are still resistant to believe . We ’ ve said it before , and we ’ ll say it again : Fat won ’ t make you fat , sugar and refined carbs will .
Good ways to sneak fat back in : drizzle butter , ghee , coconut butter , nut or olive oil over your meals ; add avocado , nuts , cheese ( if you tolerate dairy ), eggs and oily fish to salads .