AMC_To your Health_Winter 2017 | Page 24

А Healthy life
Running Prevents and Cures Disease
As a General Practitioner , I understand the role of physical exercises in maintaining health , the role of fitness in the prevention of disease , and its integral role in the actual treatment of certain disease .
Regular running reduces the risk of diabetes , obesity , dyslipidemia , coronary heart disease , osteoporosis , and more .
Moderate physical exercise , such as jogging , helps to maintain normal blood glucose levels in people diagnosed with diabetes . During physical exercise , muscles are able to utilize glucose immediately , without the help of special receptors , thus reducing blood glucose levels , making running ( in combination with a proper diet ) an excellent alternative to drug therapy at the early stages of the disease .
Running also plays a positive role for hypertensive patients , as regular physical exercise can reduce blood pressure and with the gradual loss of excess weight , and can in fact reduce blood pressure values by 5-10 mm Hg for every 5-10 kg .
Other diseases , such as dyslipidemia ( abnormal blood cholesterol levels ), osteoporosis , and metabolic syndrome , are examples of conditions in which running can have a positive impact .

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Recent studies published in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology show that even 5 – 10 minutes of low-intensity daily running can extend the runner ’ s life for a few years .
Running Improves Mood
Dr . Peter Martynov , Family Doctor , AMC Lviv
Even short jogs can dramatically change a person ’ s mood , rouse him / her from depression , improve his / her self-confidence , and give an energy boost for the day . Moreover , running indirectly promotes healthier sleep by reducing the levels of stress and anxiety . Moving is life . Run for your health ; run for the fun !
You may have heard the expression “ runner ’ s high .” This is a state of an exaltation , drive , and euphoria during prolonged running . You don ’ t have to run tens of kilometers to feel this effect . Even short jogs can dramatically change a person ’ s mood , rouse him / her from depression , improve his / her self-confidence , and give an energy boost for the day . This effect is explained by biochemical processes occurring in our brain . The fact is that such substances as dopamine and endorphins stimulate the relevant receptors and are released in our brain during running . These so called “ natural narcotics ” of our body are responsible for the feeling of pleasure that occurs during and after running . From my experience , I can add that the days I start with a morning run are always more productive , cheerful , and full of vivid impressions .