AMC_To your Health_Winter 2017 | Page 22

I started running over three years ago when I lived and worked on the Caribbean island of Grenada . Over time I found myself running greater and greater distances , slowly working toward a life-long dream : to train for and successfully finish a full marathon ( 42 km , 195 m ). Of course living out the actual dream would be an up-hill battle . But it was mine to take , and in early 2015 , with great ambitions , I bought my first running sneakers . From that day I started running regularly , waking early , at 6 a . m ., before the hot Caribbean sun , to hit the scorching asphalt 2 to 3 times a week , sometimes under tropical downpours , but mostly in glorious bright sunlight .


& Good Health

I am not a professional sportsman , far from claiming prizes of any sort . My motive is quite different . Here I would like to share with you that drive .
When I moved back to Ukraine in the late summer of 2015 , I continued the passion and promptly registered for my first Kyiv Marathon . There was no way back ! I started an intensive training program to complete the full 42-kilometer distance . And , approximately one year ago , on an early and unseasonably cool September morning , I realized my dream – I ran my first marathon !
From that day running became an inherent part of myself , and I have continued to run , taking part in various competitions , going farther and faster , pushing myself further . This autumn , I ran my second marathon and significantly improved my previous result .